» ✅ Детектив » Secrets of the Ancient Estate, Kyuriym

Назва книги, Автор книги - "Secrets of the Ancient Estate, Kyuriym"

"Secrets of the Ancient Estate" The Arrival The story begins with Detective Sam McAlister arriving in a remote English village. The mysterious disappearance of Lord Andrew Colton, the owner of a centuries-old estate, brings Sam across the Atlantic. As he approaches the sprawling mansion, he feels a haunting presence. Locals speak in hushed tones about the estate's dark history, fueling Sam's curiosity and anxiety. The Silent Witness Sam meets the estate’s caretakers: a seemingly nervous housekeeper, an old butler, and a distant relative of the Colton family. He explores the property and discovers unsettling signs that hint at foul play. He interviews the staff and villagers, only to find that no one is willing to speak openly about what they know.
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